original DATA TOUR
Data Visualization
Hands-on Training
original DATA TOUR
Data Visualization
Hands-on Training
  • Venue
    Your conference room, or our cosy loft
    Online won’t work here :(
  • Time
    Online - 5 days x 3 hours
    Offline intensive - 2 days

  • Price
    more expensive
    than cheap

  • Tour group
    Up to 15 people:
    IT, Business and BI leaders
    + everyone who cares
Do you have a feeling that your tableau reports just copy your slides and Excel files? A good developer can quickly master the tool, but creating «appealing» reports, which are far more convenient, may be a challenge.

We mean dashboard design, where each element of the composition - graph, color, tooltip, indentation, action, font - everything works flawlessly for the sake of user's insight. This is the last mile of BI - it's a shame to make so much effort and not do it impressive.
Наша пешеходная экскурсия поднимет скилл не только аналитикам, но и всем специалистам, которые так или иначе имеют в своём арсенале бесконечные эксели, дивизии ВПР ()ов и необходимость переводить это на язык, понятный руководителям.
What expects you in the course:
Basics of perception

We won’t pester you with hour-long lectures on psychology, but we’ll analyze everything that is crucial for design in BI: the logic of perception of various visual attributes, cognitive load and sensory memory.
A lot about charts and dashboards
We’ll thoroughly analyze more than 15 basic types of charts for top corporate dashboards. + 2-3 "trendy" but hardly applicable ones (this is still in demand)

Lots of practice

Every day we will fulfill and analyze tasks where errors are to be found and fixed, or you need to choose the type of visualization and do it yourself, based on the lessons learnt.

What expects you in the course:
Basics of perception

We won’t pester you with hour-long lectures on psychology, but we’ll analyze everything that is crucial for design in BI: the logic of perception of various visual attributes, cognitive load and sensory memory.
A lot about charts and dashboards
We’ll thoroughly analyze more than 15 basic types of charts for top corporate dashboards. + 2-3 "trendy" but hardly applicable ones (this is still in demand)
Lots of practice

Every day we will fulfill and analyze tasks where errors are to be found and fixed, or you need to choose the type of visualization and do it yourself, based on the lessons learnt.
Who it’s for
BI Analysts
As well as BI developers, Business analysts
and everyone who creates reports - whatever you call yourself
BI group leader
BI Project lead, Head of BI, Head of Analytics - however you slice it, you need to be au fait with this
No newbies (
You need to have basic tableau skill -
to focus on design practices with us
Who it’s for
BI Analysts
As well as BI developers, Business analysts
and everyone who creates reports - whatever you call yourself
BI group leader
BI Project lead, Head of BI, Head of Analytics - however you slice it, you need to be au fait with this
No newbies (
You need to have basic tableau skill -
to focus on design practices with us
Program modules
Types of perception, visual attributes and cognitive load
- Preattentive and attentive processing when perceiving the visual attributes of charts
- cognitive load analysis and ensuring adequate load on the user's RAM, strategies of reducing cognitive load
Shape and sensory memory - effective use of shapes - parameters of length, thickness, number of figures and their arrangement
- Color and sensory memory - smart use of color for different objects and backgrounds; working with shades, intensity and variety of colors.
- Types of palettes and their application
Position and sensory memory - effective use of position, object layout relative to each other, distance between objects
Informing without misleading
Overview of errors - examples of user misleading, analysis of the principles of visual coding aimed at hitting intuitive perception
Selecting Charts in Various Analysis Scenarios
Case study in solving real-life problems to correct errors and develop optimal design by themes
- Analysis of specific values
- Comparing and rating categories
- Comparing parts to whole relationship
- Comparing measures
- Correlation analysis
- Distribution analysis
- Time Series Analysis
- Cartography
Dashboard design
- Types of dashboards
- Basics of information layout, sketching
- DataArt vs Copropate BI Reporting
- Best Practices of Dashboarding
- Drills for assembling dashboards
BI style guide
- Development of a document that aggregates all the practices of handling fonts, colors, graphics
- Templates for report development - a starting point and a guarantee of time saving
Program modules
Types of perception, visual attributes and cognitive load
- Preattentive and attentive processing when perceiving the visual attributes of charts
- cognitive load analysis and ensuring adequate load on the user's RAM, strategies of reducing cognitive load
Shape and sensory memory - effective use of shapes - parameters of length, thickness, number of figures and their arrangement
- Color and sensory memory - smart use of color for different objects and backgrounds; working with shades, intensity and variety of colors.
- Types of palettes and their application
Position and sensory memory - effective use of position, object layout relative to each other, distance between objects
Informing without misleading
Overview of errors - examples of user misleading, analysis of the principles of visual coding aimed at hitting intuitive perception
Selecting Charts in Various Analysis Scenarios
Case study in solving real-life problems to correct errors and develop optimal design by themes
- Analysis of specific values
- Comparing and rating categories
- Comparing parts to whole relationship
- Comparing measures
- Correlation analysis
- Distribution analysis
- Time Series Analysis
- Cartography
Dashboard design
- Types of dashboards
- Basics of information layout, sketching
- DataArt vs Copropate BI Reporting
- Best Practices of Dashboarding
- Drills for assembling dashboards
BI style guide
- Development of a document that aggregates all the practices of handling fonts, colors, graphics
- Templates for report development - a starting point and a guarantee of time saving
Project structure
Information request
Information analysis on the current ecosystem: reports, teams, tasks, projects, services, etc.
Analysis of the best, average and worst sample reports
Defining goals and expectations, customer adaptation

up to 10 days
Training delivery
- we meet online - 5 days x 3 hours, 6 days x 2.5 hours
and any other way according to the same logic
- we meet offline - 2 days x 8 hours in your
conference room or in our loft

We communicate, share experiences and stories, write recommendations to each other, hug at conferences

Project structure
Information request
Information analysis on the current ecosystem: reports, teams, tasks, projects, services, etc.
Analysis of the best, average and worst sample reports
Defining goals and expectations, customer adaptation

up to 10 days
Training delivery
- we meet online - 5 days x 3 hours, 6 days x 2.5 hours
and any other way according to the same logic
- we meet offline - 2 days x 8 hours in your
conference room or in our loft
We communicate, share experiences and stories, write recommendations to each other, hug at conferences

Your Guide in Data Visualization
  • Alexander Barakov
    Accredited DG Tour Guide,
    Viz enthusiast, Head of BI
Your Guide in Data Visualization
  • Alexander Barakov
    Accredited DG Tour Guide,
    Viz enthusiast, Head of BI
Submit an application
for the course
Contact us
text us in telegram or whatsapp
send an email if that's what you prefer
Delft, Netherlands
Contact Us
text us in telegram or whatsapp
send an email if that's what you prefer
Delft, Netherlands