original DATA TOUR
Tableau Desktop
Training - Basic
  • Venue
    Your conference room,
    or our cosy loft
    Online won’t work here :(
  • Time
    Online - 4 days x 4 hours
    Offline - 2 days x 8 hours

  • Price
    Not cheap
    but not too expensive
  • Tour group
    Up to 20 people
Tableau is one of the most intuitive data visualization tools out there. Every analyst worth his or her salt should own at least one BI tool – smart dashboarding will significantly simplify your life and reduce the effort spent on daily routine, while due to conscious visualization the user will derive pleasure both from the process and result.

It's also considered as a useful skill worth mentioning in one’s CV and a close acquaintance with the universe of competent data processing, which, as you know, leads the world ;)

Our walking tour will improve not only the analysts’, but other specialists’ skills as well, since they, one way or another, have endless excels and VLOOKUPs in their arsenal, as well as the need to interpret all of these into an easy-to-use language for managers

Наша пешеходная экскурсия поднимет скилл не только аналитикам, но и всем специалистам, которые так или иначе имеют в своём арсенале бесконечные эксели, дивизии ВПР ()ов и необходимость переводить это на язык, понятный руководителям.
Topics that we will study out :
Data Basics
We will get familiar with the theory of data analysis, statistics and BI in general, learn about data types, look into the world of subsets, correlations and regressions, and also practice in analyzing the data suitability for work, data wrangling and preparing it for analysis
Tableau Desktop Basics
We will meet Tableau as a platform; look at the disparate data sources that can be connected to and all the basic features of the tool. During the training, we will work with analytical cases from real business practice, solve them visually, and by the end of the course we will be able to get our first Tableau report for the portfolio.
Info Design & Dashboarding
We will know through practice how dashboards should or shouldn’t be built, find out how to get those very insights and other things that give rise to real data-driven solutions. Moreover, we will mark all the necessary points on your map for further development in the quality of a BI analyst or developer.
Topics that we will study out :
Data Basics
We will get familiar with the theory of data analysis, statistics and BI in general, learn about data types, look into the world of subsets, correlations and regressions, and also practice in analyzing the data suitability for work, data wrangling and preparing it for analysis
Tableau Desktop Basics
We will meet Tableau as a platform; look at the disparate data sources that can be connected to and all the basic features of the tool. During the training, we will work with analytical cases from real business practice, solve them visually, and by the end of the course we will be able to get our first Tableau report for the portfolio.
Info Design & Dashboarding
We will know through practice how dashboards should or shouldn’t be built, find out how to get those very insights and other things that give rise to real data-driven solutions. Moreover, we will mark all the necessary points on your map for further development in the quality of a BI analyst or developer.
Who it’s for
Developers and
data scientists
After all, it is not enough to write a good model - it must also be properly presented
Marketers, Product Managers, Business Analysts
And also economists, planners and other nice guys from the business sphere
All business
Dealing with regular and occasional reporting in MS Excel
Directors and managers
Make reports by yourself instead of standing in line
Who it’s for
Developers and
data scientists
After all, it is not enough to write a good model - it must also be properly presented
Marketers, Product Managers, Business Analysts
And also economists, planners and other nice guys from the business sphere
All business
Dealing with regular and occasional reporting in MS Excel
Directors and managers
Make reports by yourself instead of standing in line
Day 1
We’ll start with the basics of statistics, data analysis and BI, talk about the Tableau Desktop installing and configuring features, connect to various sources and create our first data model in Tableau. We’ll analyze the basic data types and the main interface controls.
Introduction to data analysis.
Fundamentals of statistics
General population and sample. Data types. Measurement levels. The key measures of central tendency - mean, mode, median. Data quality assessment
Introduction to Business Intelligence and Tableau
What is Business Intelligence?
What analysis and visualization tools are available. Why Tableau is the best BI tool
Ecosystem product overview: Tableau Desktop, Tableau Public, Tableau Server, Tableau Online, Tableau Prep
Connections & Tableau
Data model
Connection to data sources (files, DBMS, etc.), their types and constraints. Working with Live connection and Data Extracts.
Data modeling, joins and unions, blending. Data pre-processing for analysis - data wrangling, checking field types, aggregation, and data filtering. Data granularity
Day 1
We’ll start with the basics of statistics, data analysis and BI, talk about the Tableau Desktop installing and configuring features, connect to various sources and create our first data model in Tableau. We’ll analyze the basic data types and the main interface controls.
Introduction to data analysis.
Fundamentals of statistics
General population and sample. Data types. Measurement levels. The key measures of central tendency - mean, mode, median. Data quality assessment
Introduction to Business Intelligence and Tableau
What is Business Intelligence?
What analysis and visualization tools are available. Why Tableau is the best BI tool
Ecosystem product overview: Tableau Desktop, Tableau Public, Tableau Server, Tableau Online, Tableau Prep
Connections & Tableau
Data model
Connection to data sources (files, DBMS, etc.), their types and constraints. Working with Live connection and Data Extracts.
Data modeling, joins and unions, blending. Data pre-processing for analysis - data wrangling, checking field types, aggregation, and data filtering. Data granularity
Day 2
We’ll continue getting familiar with Tableau functions, define the main operating concepts, and also start creating – we’ll get the philosophy of ShowMe and focus on the types of visualizations that Tableau can build
Tableau Desktop
from the inside
Required glossary: books, sheets, workspaces, dashboards, stories
Tableau Desktop interface and basic operating concepts - measures, dimensions, aggregations. Data types in Tableau, changing data type and default settings for fields

Create basic graphs and charts.
Main use cases
Crosstab, Highlight table - Heatmap, Bar chart, Stacked bar chart, Line chart, Scatterplot, Geographical maps, Density maps, Combined and dual axis charts
Day 2
We’ll continue getting familiar with Tableau functions, define the main operating concepts, and also start creating – we’ll get the philosophy of ShowMe and focus on the types of visualizations that Tableau can build
Tableau Desktop
from the inside
Required glossary: books, sheets, workspaces, dashboards, stories
Tableau Desktop interface and basic operating concepts - measures, dimensions, aggregations. Data types in Tableau, changing data type and default settings for fields
Create basic graphs and charts.
Main use cases
Crosstab, Highlight table - Heatmap, Bar chart, Stacked bar chart, Line chart, Scatterplot, Geographical maps, Density maps, Combined and dual axis charts

Day 3

We’ll practice making calculations – we’ll analyze the pre-installed calculations and learn how to create and apply our own calculation fields in visualizations. We will learn more about data organization and look into built-in analytical tools - histograms, trend lines, reference lines, forecasting. We’ll start working with interactive elements – will look at the filters, their types and settings. Learn about the working sequence in Tableau
Pre-installed and custom calculations
Quick calculations - pre-installed calculations and their types. Custom calculations - what else can be calculated in Tableau
Data organization and built-in analytics
Manual and automatic sorting. Groups, sets, Histograms, Building trend lines, Reference lines, Forecast
Filter types

Filters. Types of filters and their sequence. Fine-tuning the filter-user relationship. Working sequence in Tableau

Day 3
We’ll practice making calculations – we’ll analyze the pre-installed calculations and learn how to create and apply our own calculation fields in visualizations. We will learn more about data organization and look into built-in analytical tools - histograms, trend lines, reference lines, forecasting. We’ll start working with interactive elements – will look at the filters, their types and settings. Learn about the working sequence in Tableau
Pre-installed and custom calculations
Quick calculations - pre-installed calculations and their types. Custom calculations - what else can be calculated in Tableau
Data organization and built-in analytics
Manual and automatic sorting. Groups, sets, Histograms, Building trend lines, Reference lines, Forecast
Filter types

Filters. Types of filters and their sequence. Fine-tuning the filter-user relationship. Working sequence in Tableau
Day 4
We’ll start assembling interactive dashboards using our visualizations and making them as attractive and easy-to-understand as possible. We’ll consider the possibilities of data wrangling so that it could be exported to various formats. Then we’ll publish the dashboard and discuss whether there is life after the release. We’ll also learn how to manage rights, take a look at custom views for users and mail subscriptions, as well as get familiar with the Tableau community and ways of further development along the BI & Tableau lines
Basic info design and building dashboards
Changing the color, shapes, and sizes in visualizations. Focusing on key points - we remove everything unnecessary from the visualization. Mocking for various tasks and devices. Setting up interactive elements and planning user interaction with the dashboard
Publication. Data export options. Rights management
Preparing a dashboard for correct data upload
Dashboard publishing, rights management
Setting up subscriptions and custom views

Further Development in BI & Tableau: Professional Certification, Resources, Community

Day 4
We’ll start assembling interactive dashboards using our visualizations and making them as attractive and easy-to-understand as possible. We’ll consider the possibilities of data wrangling so that it could be exported to various formats. Then we’ll publish the dashboard and discuss whether there is life after the release. We’ll also learn how to manage rights, take a look at custom views for users and mail subscriptions, as well as get familiar with the Tableau community and ways of further development along the BI & Tableau lines
Basic info design and building dashboards
Changing the color, shapes, and sizes in visualizations. Focusing on key points - we remove everything unnecessary from the visualization. Mocking for various tasks and devices. Setting up interactive elements and planning user interaction with the dashboard
Publication. Data export options. Rights management
Preparing a dashboard for correct data upload
Dashboard publishing, rights management
Setting up subscriptions and custom views
Further Development in BI & Tableau: Professional Certification, Resources, Community
Your guides in the world of Tableau Desktop
  • Ksenia Ageeva
    A certified data enchantress,
    a humanitarian defector

  • Alex Barakov
    Viz enthusiast,
    Head of BI

Your guides in the
world of Tableau Desktop
  • Ksenia Ageeva
    A certified data enchantress,
    a humanitarian defector
  • Alex Barakov
    Viz enthusiast,
    Head of BI
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Delft, Netherlands
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Delft, Netherlands