original DATA TOUR
Tableau Desktop
Training - Advanced
  • Venue
    Online, but, actually,
    offline is also possible
  • Time
    Online - 4 days x 4 hours
    Offline - 2 days x 8 hours
  • Price
    more expensive
    than cheap
  • Tour group
    Up to 20 people

If you’ve already had a look at the boundless opportunities of Tableau, it's time to get to a whole new level. So, you already know that building a baseline report is an easy task, but when the ante is up, deadlines are looming, and business reality requires even faster and better decision support - an analyst should be able to show only big things. And, what’s more, on time. Plus, do it at its finest.

Our route is thought out to the last detail; you will see completely non-tourist places revealing data landscapes from the perspective of conscious information design. We’ll go down to the mysterious corridors of advanced analytics, and we’ll also see for ourselves how fast calculations are in their natural habitat.

This walk is for experienced tourists who know that perfection knows no limits, and keep options open.
Наша пешеходная экскурсия поднимет скилл не только аналитикам, но и всем специалистам, которые так или иначе имеют в своём арсенале бесконечные эксели, дивизии ВПР ()ов и необходимость переводить это на язык, понятный руководителям.
Topics that we will study out:
Tableau Calculations and Data model
This time, we'll take it a step further and get familiar with Tableau's computing capacity, as well as study up on its data handling and how to use that knowledge to improve performance and reporting speed. We will learn how to assemble complex visualizations with multiple metrics on a single chart, bypass source data limitations, and effectively combine data from different sources in one dashboard still being alert to the nuances.
Tableau Analysis

We’ll deal with analytics like adults: data description and visualization is interesting, but the goal of this part of the route is to find out what can be compared and even predicted using your data and the analytical capabilities of the Tableau Desktop engine. We’ll plunge into plotting trend lines, p-value and r-square, box plots, reference lines, forecasting and correlation analysis, and also try out several life hacks in practice that will allow us to cope with much more complex challenges.

Advanced Dashboarding & Tableau Server
This is the territory of advanced information design and User Experience upon dashboard building. How to choose the right layout and draw the user's attention to what’s important? How to get rid of excessive elements in visualization? How to tell a story using the data? We’ll also bring up the lifetime of the report after its publishing, subscriptions and alerts, talk about the division of access rights and row level security, see what Tableau Server looks like and get basic administration skills

Topics that we will study out:
Tableau Calculations and Data model
This time, we'll take it a step further and get familiar with Tableau's computing capacity, as well as study up on its data handling and how to use that knowledge to improve performance and reporting speed. We will learn how to assemble complex visualizations with multiple metrics on a single chart, bypass source data limitations, and effectively combine data from different sources in one dashboard still being alert to the nuances.
Tableau Analysis

We’ll deal with analytics like adults: data description and visualization is interesting, but the goal of this part of the route is to find out what can be compared and even predicted using your data and the analytical capabilities of the Tableau Desktop engine. We’ll plunge into plotting trend lines, p-value and r-square, box plots, reference lines, forecasting and correlation analysis, and also try out several life hacks in practice that will allow us to cope with much more complex challenges.
Advanced Dashboarding & Tableau Server
This is the territory of advanced information design and User Experience upon dashboard building. How to choose the right layout and draw the user's attention to what’s important? How to get rid of excessive elements in visualization? How to tell a story using the data? We’ll also bring up the lifetime of the report after its publishing, subscriptions and alerts, talk about the division of access rights and row level security, see what Tableau Server looks like and get basic administration skills
Who it’s for
Developers and data scientists
Ведь хорошую модель мало написать - ее же надо и представить достойно
BI Analysts
Previously dealing with other platforms and willing to learn how to do the same in Tableau (but even better)
Имеющие дело с регулярной и разовой отчётностью в MS Excel

Are you sure you're ready?
Then come on board!
Who it’s for
Developers and data scientists
Ведь хорошую модель мало написать - ее же надо и представить достойно
BI Analysts
Previously dealing with other platforms and willing to learn how to do the same in Tableau (but even better)
Имеющие дело с регулярной и разовой отчётностью в MS Excel

Are you sure you're ready?
Then come on board!
Day 1
We’ll quickly recap how everything works in Tableau and start practicing building visualizations that can't be found in ShowMe tooltips. Let's look at a few practices that enable you to create tables without using the very same tables, and also bypass the pitfalls when creating your own estimates and get a better understanding of how to speed the work.
Tableau basics
Measures, dimensions
Continuous, discrete
Types of charts available, their use cases
Base calculations

Combined charts and other waterfalls
dual axis chart
SUM(1) and its street magic

Calculated fields
Most helpful formulas
Advanced tabular calculations
Day 1
We’ll quickly recap how everything works in Tableau and start practicing building visualizations that can't be found in ShowMe tooltips. Let's look at a few practices that enable you to create tables without using the very same tables, and also bypass the pitfalls when creating your own estimates and get a better understanding of how to speed the work.
Tableau basics
Measures, dimensions
Continuous, discrete
Types of charts available, their use cases
Base calculations
Combined charts and other waterfalls
dual axis chart
SUM(1) and its street magic
Calculated fields
Most helpful formulas
Advanced tabular calculations
Day 2
We’ll talk about the Tableau data model and the mechanisms that perform invisible miracles the very moment we apply filters or add a new calculation to our visualization. We’ll continue to make things more complicated and figure out how the Tableau data model differs from blending and joins, and how to choose the best method in terms of speed. We’re also going to work with advanced analytical capabilities - trends, reference lines, correlation and forecasting.
Tableau Model of Computation
Working sequence in Tableau
Contextual filters
Level of Details (LOD) calculations

Advanced analytical capabilities
Building trendlines, p-value and r-square
Boxplots - percentiles, standard deviation
Reference lines and bands
Correlation analysis

Tableau Data Modeling
& Blending
Data model (noodles)
Data blending and its difference with Data model & joins
Use Cases
Day 2
We’ll talk about the Tableau data model and the mechanisms that perform invisible miracles the very moment we apply filters or add a new calculation to our visualization. We’ll continue to make things more complicated and figure out how the Tableau data model differs from blending and joins, and how to choose the best method in terms of speed. We’re also going to work with advanced analytical capabilities - trends, reference lines, correlation and forecasting.
Tableau Model of Computation
Working sequence in Tableau
Contextual filters
Level of Details (LOD) calculations
Advanced analytical capabilities
Building trendlines, p-value and r-square
Boxplots - percentiles, standard deviation
Reference lines and bands
Correlation analysis
Tableau Data Modeling
& Blending
Data model (noodles)
Data blending and its difference with Data model & joins
Use Cases

Day 3

We’ll delve into information design and the ways of building the most convenient and evident dashboards that work as intended. We’ll discuss how to fit together your work and corporate style, as well as to minimize the effort when whipping it into shape. We’ll get familiar with the concept of style guide and dashboard layout for various tasks
Basics of information
design in BI
Sketching and Mockuping
What is user experience and how to manage it
Dashboard structure in Tableau, containers and spacing

style guide
Color and shape on the dashboard
Building customized forms and palettes
Workbook template

Smart interactivity and
data storytelling
Space efficiency, hidden elements
Types of actions and their use cases
Embedding Help and Web Pages
Pagination, adaptive legends
Day 3
We’ll delve into information design and the ways of building the most convenient and evident dashboards that work as intended. We’ll discuss how to fit together your work and corporate style, as well as to minimize the effort when whipping it into shape. We’ll get familiar with the concept of style guide and dashboard layout for various tasks
Basics of information
design in BI
Sketching and Mockuping
What is user experience and how to manage it
Dashboard structure in Tableau, containers and spacing
style guide
Color and shape on the dashboard
Building customized forms and palettes
Workbook template
Smart interactivity and
data storytelling
Space efficiency, hidden elements
Types of actions and their use cases
Embedding Help and Web Pages
Pagination, adaptive legends
Day 4
We’ll philosophize whether there is life after the release, and how to make the created dashboard as useful and sought-after as possible. We’ll look at the report through the Tableau server admin’s eyes and learn how to control the further work of the report after publication. We’ll figure out how to show the relevant information only to the right people, and how to captivate and interest even the most inactive users.
Tableau Server
Tableau server structure - sites and projects
Users and user groups
Adding schedules and baseline performance monitoring

Permissions and
Row-level security
Access levels in Tableau
Row-level security and data visibility settings for different user groups

Publication and post-production
Publishing, setting up regular updates
Monitoring timely updates and the data quality in the report
Creating correct and informative subscriptions and alerts
Tableau adoption - how to track and improve report relevance
Day 4
We’ll philosophize whether there is life after the release, and how to make the created dashboard as useful and sought-after as possible. We’ll look at the report through the Tableau server admin’s eyes and learn how to control the further work of the report after publication. We’ll figure out how to show the relevant information only to the right people, and how to captivate and interest even the most inactive users.
Tableau Server
Tableau server structure - sites and projects
Users and user groups
Adding schedules and baseline performance monitoring
Permissions and
Row-level security
Access levels in Tableau
Row-level security and data visibility settings for different user groups
Publication and post-production
Publishing, setting up regular updates
Monitoring timely updates and the data quality in the report
Creating correct and informative subscriptions and alerts
Tableau adoption - how to track and improve report relevance
Your Guides in Tableau world
  • Ksenia Ageeva
    A certified data enchantress,
    a humanitarian defector
  • Alex Barakov
    Accredited Tableau Tour Guide,
    Viz enthusiast, Head of BI
Твои гиды в мир
Tableau Desktop
  • Ksenia Ageeva
    A certified data enchantress,
    a humanitarian defector
  • Alex Barakov
    Accredited Tableau Tour Guide,
    Viz enthusiast, Head of BI
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Delft, Netherlands
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Delft, Netherlands