original DATA TOUR
Tableau Style Guide
turn-key project
original DATA TOUR
Tableau Style Guide
turn-key project
  • Venue
    Cosy online or
    Face-to-face sessions
  • Time
    Info request - up to 10 days
    Arrangements - up to 10 days
    Sessions - 2 days
  • Price
    Not cheap
    but not too expensive
  • Tour group
    BI authors and leaders - as well as your Marketers and designers
  • You have a lot of report developers, they all design as they like and waste lots of time each time to make it appealing.

  • The management has a negative from the "what an eyesore" colors, terrible stackbars and other visual "hillbilly" elements.

  • You’ve reached the point when the clarity and informational value of reports are getting critical.

  • You invest in style guide - a collection of corporate guidelines and templates for developers - to save time, align visual code and increase the overall viz quality across dashboard authors
Наша пешеходная экскурсия поднимет скилл не только аналитикам, но и всем специалистам, которые так или иначе имеют в своём арсенале бесконечные эксели, дивизии ВПР ()ов и необходимость переводить это на язык, понятный руководителям.
Final result:
Style guide
A document that aggregates all the practices of handling fonts, colors palette, graphics and more on 50+ dashboards.
Development of top color sets for all main scenarios according to your brand book, so that the user applies and feels a million dollars
Report Template
Tableau/Qlik/PBI/whateverBI workbook with preconfigured formatting, basic layout, and navigation elements is a starting point and time-saver for the author of the report.
Visual vocabulary and poster
The collection of different types of charts within the category in your BI Tool to form some initial ideas about what might work best.
+ a poster on the wall with all the rules, templates and examples.
Presenting the style guide to your audience, its use training and answering questions,
Course on chart-choosing and data visualization
Final result:
Tableau style guide
A document that aggregates all the practices of handling fonts, colors palette, graphics and more on 50+ dashboards.
Development of top color sets for all main scenarios according to your brand book, so that the user applies and feels a million dollars
Report Template
Tableau/Qlik/PBI/whateverBI workbook with preconfigured formatting, basic layout, and navigation elements is a starting point and time-saver for the author of the report.
Visual vocabulary and poster
The collection of different types of charts within the category in your BI Tool to form some initial ideas about what might work best.
+ a poster on the wall with all the rules, templates and examples.
Presenting the style guide to your audience, its use training and answering questions,
Course on chart-choosing and data visualization
Who it’s for

BI leader

BI Project lead, Head of BI, Head of Analytics - brothers and sisters - we stand or fall together

Senior BI


Your dashboards should be beautiful

Data enthusiast from business
No monopoly on thinking about the beau-ideal - welcome
Designer and Data Journalist
Oh, we love you, you are always welcome
Who it’s for
BI leader
BI Project lead, Head of BI, Head of Analytics - brothers and sisters - we stand or fall together
Senior BI
Business Analyst
Your dashboards should be beautiful
Data enthusiast from business
No monopoly on thinking about the beau-ideal - welcome
Designer and Data Journalist
Oh, we love you, you are always welcome
What’s inside
Analysis of business expectations and requirements
Here we’ll decide what type of style guide is needed, what problems it’ going to solve, who will use it and for which purpose
Corporate Data Visualization Tutorial
A concise but informative collection of best practices for anyone who wants to delve deeply into the various nuances of information design
- transition from an analytical scenario to a dashboard composition
- choosing a report structure, sizes, set of blocks, their positioning and visual differentiation
- selecting types of graphs depending on the data and the goal
- the science of choosing color palettes
... and much more
Sets of standard solutions and recommendations
Creating unique design artifacts for the company:
- visual code of the main types of charts
- corporate palettes
- typography - headings and fonts
- user navigation standard in the report, sets of logos and icons
Examples of rights and wrongs
a wide range of useful solutions:
- how to replace stacked bar graphics
- how to show plan-fact analysis
- how to clear the dashboard of everything unnecessary
The coupling agent between the theory and your real reports is a tool that saves the authors’ time and helps to avoid feeling shame for your work, and sometimes even get a cool result without innate design skills.
Knowledge transfer and training
What’s inside
Analysis of business expectations and requirements
Here we’ll decide what type of style guide is needed, what problems it’ going to solve, who will use it and for which purpose
Corporate Data Visualization Tutorial
A concise but informative collection of best practices for anyone who wants to delve deeply into the various nuances of information design
- transition from an analytical scenario to a dashboard composition
- choosing a report structure, sizes, set of blocks, their positioning and visual differentiation
- selecting types of graphs depending on the data and the goal
- the science of choosing color palettes
... and much more
Sets of standard solutions and recommendations
Creating unique design artifacts for the company:
- visual code of the main types of charts
- corporate palettes
- typography - headings and fonts
- user navigation standard in the report, sets of logos and icons
Examples of rights and wrongs
a wide range of useful solutions:
- how to replace stacked bar graphics
- how to show plan-fact analysis
- how to clear the dashboard of everything unnecessary
The coupling agent between the theory and your real reports is a tool that saves the authors’ time and helps to avoid feeling shame for your work, and sometimes even get a cool result without innate design skills.
Knowledge transfer and training
Project Structure
Information request
- acquisition of information about the specifics of the company's BI landscape, report development process
- a series of meetings with project stakeholders
- collecting artifacts, sample reports and task, brand book

up to 10 days
Assembling a guide using various modules according to its specifics
- select relevant best practices and materials
- develop company-specific stylistic solutions
- impose the final document of the style guide

up to 20 days
We review the first version, then
present the result to the workgroup,
introduce amendments

Final packaging
Bring everything to perfection
Print a posters

up to 20 days
We provide training
and support
Project Structure
Information request
- acquisition of information about the specifics of the company's BI landscape, report development process
- a series of meetings with project stakeholders
- collecting artifacts, sample reports and task, brand book

up to 10 days
Assembling a guide using various modules according to its specifics
- select relevant best practices and materials
- develop company-specific stylistic solutions
- impose the final document of the style guide

up to 20 days
We review the first version, then
present the result to the workgroup,
introduce amendments
Final packaging
Bring everything to perfection
Print a posters

up to 20 days
We provide training
and support
Your Guide
  • Alex Barakov
    Accredited BI Tour Guide,
    Viz enthusiast, Head of BI
Your Guide
  • Alex Barakov
    Accredited BI Tour Guide,
    Viz enthusiast, Head of BI
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text us in telegram or whatsapp
send an email if that's what you prefer
Delft, Netherlands
Contact Us
text us in telegram or whatsapp
send an email if that's what you prefer
Delft, Netherlands