original DATA TOUR
Data Governance Program
Design Workshop
original DATA TOUR
Data Governance Program
Design Workshop
  • Venue
    Your conference room,
    or our cosy loft
    Online won’t work here :(
  • Time
    Info request - up to 10 days
    Arrangements - up to 10 days
    Facilitation session - 2 days
    Processing of results - up to 10 days
  • Price
    Not cheap
    but not too expensive
  • Tour group
    Up to 15 people:
    IT, Business and BI leaders - everyone who cares
Usually, when it comes to data governance, the following come to one’s mind:

- semi-esoteric presentations, with pictures-hieroglyphs, dotted with lots of pictograms, reasoning and recommendations to appoint a committee led by one of the top managers.
- All this is described at the highest level of abstraction
- inevitably ends with an offer to buy a technology stack from some mega-vendor.
- Or as a last resort, study DATA-DMBOK - Data management body of knowledge.

We will have all of this + skepticism + bringing down to earth
Наша пешеходная экскурсия поднимет скилл не только аналитикам, но и всем специалистам, которые так или иначе имеют в своём арсенале бесконечные эксели, дивизии ВПР ()ов и необходимость переводить это на язык, понятный руководителям.
review our public Miro board on Data Governance Implementation Guide to gain a deeper understanding of our vision and find insights for your project
Course objectives
To develop the participants’ expertise in data governance (DG)
- What are the main DG models: processes and technologies
- Why is it important, what is its real value for business and how to 'sell' the project to management
'Try' core principles of DG, processes and technologies on existing realities
Analyze a case with customer data management using examples
Form a primary collective 'image' of the project (in your mind) for your company
Course objectives
To develop the participants’ expertise in data governance (DG)
- What are the main DG models: processes and technologies
- Why is it important, what is its real value for business and how to 'sell' the project to management
'Try' core principles of DG, processes and technologies on existing realities
Analyze a case with customer data management using examples
Form a primary collective 'image' of the project (in your mind) for your company
Who it’s for
CDO, CIO, Heads of IT, Heads of BI
For those who solve the problem of implementing the data governance program (or its elements)
Business Data stewards
For those who will participate in the data governance program: the future project team
Other information management professionals
For those who want to know more about the developing (still developing? – exactly) sphere
Chief Operations director
If you’re responsible for DG project - don't panic -
that’s great!

Who it’s for
CDO, CIO, Heads of IT, Heads of BI
For those who solve the problem of implementing the data governance program (or its elements)
Business Data stewards
For those who will participate in the data governance program: the future project team
Other information management professionals
For those who want to know more about the developing (still developing? – exactly) sphere
Chief Operations director
If you’re responsible for DG project - don't panic -
that’s great!

Program modules
Fundamentals of Information Management
  • An overview of the information management area of expertise.
  • Data modeling and metadata management.
  • Content management and enterprise information management.
  • Data quality and data governance.
  • Data integration, data warehousing, master data management.
  • Business intelligence, business analytics, performance management.
  • Data mining and predictive analytics.
  • Information management experts
Fundamentals of Data Governance
  • Prerequisites for the Data Governance program.
  • Basics of implementation, data selection and goal setting.
  • Standards, policies, processes, roles and technologies.
  • Managing and measuring of the Data Governance Project.
Fundamentals of Data Stewardship
  • Fundamentals of Data Stewardship: concepts, roles, boundaries of responsibility.
  • Competency requirements for the data steward role.
  • Specifics of implementation and success factors
How to deploy and maintain a Data Governance program
  • Review of approaches.
  • Beginning a project, Creating a deployment team; status assessment.
  • Developing a Data Governance program.
  • Developing and approving of the concept, definition of business value.
  • Developing a functional model of the project.
  • Developing an organizational structure of the data governance project.
  • Developing a detailed roadmap. Deploying and maintaining Data Governance program. Overview of artifact templates for program management.
  • Challenges and responses for sustainable data governance development.
  • Arranging change management. Examples of Data Management Program: good and bad ones
DG management and performance evaluation
  • Pegging to financial indicators (RDI)
  • Binding to business value
  • DG maturity models
  • DG Scorecards, an overview of performance metrics
DG technologies and reinterpretation of practices
  • Pegging to financial indicators
  • Binding to business value
  • Technologies in DG
  • Basic elements of the DG system
  • Reinterpretation of DG practices
  • DG challenges
Program modules
Fundamentals of Information Management
  • An overview of the information management area of expertise.
  • Data modeling and metadata management.
  • Content management and enterprise information management.
  • Data quality and data governance.
  • Data integration, data warehousing, master data management.
  • Business intelligence, business analytics, performance management.
  • Data mining and predictive analytics.
  • Information management experts
Data Governance Fundamentals
  • Prerequisites for the Data Governance program.
  • Basics of implementation, data selection and goal setting.
  • Standards, policies, processes, roles and technologies.
  • Managing and measuring of the Data Governance Project.
Fundamentals of Data Stewardship
  • Fundamentals of Data Stewardship: concepts, roles, boundaries of responsibility.
  • Competency requirements for the data steward role.
  • Specifics of implementation and success factors
How to deploy and maintain a Data Governance program
  • Review of approaches.
  • Beginning a project, Creating a deployment team; status assessment.
  • Developing a Data Governance program.
  • Developing and approving of the concept, definition of business value.
  • Developing a functional model of the project.
  • Developing an organizational structure of the data governance project.
  • Developing a detailed roadmap. Deploying and maintaining Data Governance program. Overview of artifact templates for program management.
  • Challenges and responses for sustainable data governance development.
  • Arranging change management. Examples of Data Management Program: good and bad ones
DG management and performance evaluation
  • Pegging to financial indicators (RDI)
  • Binding to business value
  • DG maturity models
  • DG Scorecards, an overview of performance metrics
DG technologies and reinterpretation of practices
  • Pegging to financial indicators
  • Binding to business value
  • Technologies in DG
  • Basic elements of the DG system
  • Reinterpretation of DG practices
  • DG challenges
Your Guide in Data Governance world
  • Alexander Barakov
    Accredited DG Tour Guide,
    Viz enthusiast, Head of BI
Your Guide in Data Governance world
  • Alexander Barakov
    Accredited DG Tour Guide,
    Viz enthusiast, Head of BI
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Delft, Netherlands
Contact Us
text us in telegram or whatsapp
send an email if that's what you prefer
Delft, Netherlands